A LIVE READING OF MY STAGE PLAY: REMOTE (Or, Gallyvant's Finale) _____ A Full-length Play (at memory's best, what once come to mind)
Monday, March 24 @ 7 p.m. - Academy Theater in Hapeville, Ga. Sponsored by Atlanta Dramatists. ** Synopsis: A grandfatherly ghost and his namesake female grandchild make a certain rural peace with post-Pandemic life's end, as representatives of the country's major institutions – church, state, and commerce – gather nearby to settle the climate crisis for good, their long-needed work neither far away in place nor time, for us the hope at last. #weRchange
ON THE CUSP OF YET ANOTHER NEW YEAR, let us boldly be grateful about something, even if an old wish to recognize our own Messengers of God, and these:
- We made it this far, thus far. Remember a pandemic, some politics, old trends of many colors we tried to ignore that resurfaced with vengeance. For these we are grateful. May we learn better, perhaps faster, this go-round. AMEN.
- Second chances of third helpings; and when the plate gets passed our way, that we take what we want and know it not as greed, but what well-due in choice course (unlike every time before, a shame).
- A gentle winter, but with one full day of a real Southern snow.
- An early spring without too much pollen.
- To hear the hoot owl, the several cries of Carolina wren, to not-be so busy, that we miss out.
- To try something new every day, even if a left-foot first, one less coffee, one more sweet.
- To smile more.
- At ourself in the mirror, lovingly.
- To open our heart again or for the first time (because we may not get another opportunity).
- To honor our Parents and keep (most of) other commandments. Love thyself comes embedded, an old friend likes to remind, within loving thy Neighbor. Cart-before-horse kinda thingy, he say....Oh yes, and to know more clearly exactly who that Neighbor is. AMEN.
NOW, ABOUT WHO HAS A GENTLE DIGITAL HOME HERE: A rural native of the southeastern United States, R. P. Singletary writes across the genres of fiction, drama, poetry, and hybrid forms. ATL. LGBTQ+. Outdoors lover and fellow traveler. Affiliations: Authors Guild, Atlanta Dramatists, SETC, Dramatists Guild. He struggles to bridge the gap between old and new, while honoring both the needy pull of the creativity and the desirous want of the audience (or reader) for that strange combination of familiarity, comprehension, uniqueness, and "been here before but but something's changed" sensation. RESOLVED, to better capture that wonderment, forgiving.
NEW WRITINGS soon in these publications:
- EBBzine - Ukraine
- Haunted Portal
- "The All-Americans, in sci-fi 3D" in Feign: direct link to story
- The Big Windows Review - the literary magazine of the Writing Center @ Washtenaw Community College (MI)
- Leon Literary Review
- Exist Otherwise
- "The Meanings of Cheshire" in PULP: direct link to issue with story
- The Winged Moon
- Hood of Bone Review
- A short monologue of mine MONO fe in gratitude appeared Off-Broadway Nov. 14-17, as part of The Apron Strings Project of Greymatters Productions / Debbie Slevin, at AMT Theater in Hell's Kitchen (for playbill click here)! For a great shot of the theater marquee, click here.
- A live reading of my full-length play We Are Some Nice People (Or, Capital Measures) held Monday, Nov. 25 at the Academy Theater in Hapeville, Ga. Sponsored by Atlanta Dramatists. Script available by clicking here.
- A ten-minute play MAN'S KIND was showcased as part of an Essential Theatre event in the Atlanta area on Jan. 6, 2024. It has since been developed into a full-length script and slightly retitled as MAN'S KIND (Or, the day is Wise). Script available by clicking here.
- This pair of longer plays is part of a trilogy inspired by the events of Jan. 6, 2021.
- I will be giving a reading in a team-based event for fellow members of The Literary Consultancy (U.K.) as part of their Winter Warmer for Being a Writer!
- "An Invocation of Reason" in In Parentheses
- "Pricked the time" in Instant Noodles
- "Dance any way, little girl" in Every Body Magazine
- "The Risk of Man" in BULL
- "BUSTED: the myth of where all good things come from" in Worktown Words U.K.
- "Dolphins of the Ganges" in JONAH magazine
- "Pop!" in House of Arcanum - this story was nominated for Best of the Net 20024!
- "South to Oz, and Onward East" in The Collidescope
- "Santee before the first of storms" in The Wave – Kelp Journal
- "UNITE?" in The Rumen
- "Remembered to" in Roi Fainéant
- "Two more years of 24 months of feelin' like this" in LITRO - a StorySunday feature and an Editor's Pick!
- "CAMOU counts (OR, parental expectations embodied)" in en*gendered
- "Sci-Fi" in Stone of Madness
- "A literary inconvenience, for you / in the libertine spirit of the European Union (EU)" in Wicked Gay Ways
- "Ban this (an early* Hallowe'en trick-or-treat not-so-goodie, ooooops)" and "We had no sidewalks, April" in coalitionworks
- "Your Music, Our Virus" in Wasteland Review
- "What I left" in Wingless Dreamer (India)'s My Sanskriti in Teal - this longer poem won their Culture Writing Contest